Sunday, 19 January 2014

Save Trees- Save Yourself

Save Tree
Saving trees is important to protect our environment. By rapid modernization we might have grown manifolds but our environment has moved towards degradation. We can’t sit back and forget our responsibilities towards the safety of our environment. By saving trees we will not do any favor to nature instead we will end up saving our future. Trees must be saved to protect our environment and maintain the ecological balance. It’s highly important that we understand the importance of trees and start saving them with joined hands. Trees are important, valuable and necessary for the existence of any living creature on earth. Oxygen production, cleaning the soil, controlling noise pollution, slowing down storm, water runoff, acting as carbon sinks, cleaning the air, providing shade and coolness, being windbreaks and fighting soil erosion can be considered just the first few reasons why trees are priceless.
The way Trees are being cut, the day is not far when people will be dying for want of fresh air & new generations will be carrying oxygen masks to sustain the life & perhaps venturing out in open will be a luxury. Trees remove CO2 from air which is a major reason for global warming. Trees clean and freshens the air. Tree foliage works as a natural air filter of particulate matter such as dust, micro sized metals and pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and sulfur dioxides. Trees take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Combined with the cooling effect of trees, these processes can have a significant impact on reducing smog and overall air pollution.
Save TreeThere's a number of ways to save trees. Trees are crucial to our environmental system and need to be taken care of as much as possible. They come with an unlimited number of benefits to our world. If we try to save trees, our air will remain away of impurities. Trees absorb carbondioxide, pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, allowing us to breathe clean oxygen. A mature tree will produce as much oxygen for 10 people in one year. There are many benefits we can gain if we try to save trees. They provide us with noise barriers and create shade to cool the hot weather. Places can get up to 6 degrees hotter when there are no trees to block the sun. In the winter, they block the cold force of wind. There are unlimited benefits of trees.  So, to save trees and safeguard our future as well as environment plant as many trees as possible.

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